Do you want to track the growth of your newborn and photograph them with cute monthly stickers on the front of their onesie? Here you can find a set of free printable onesies stickers that you can create at home. Monthly Onesie Stickers are a creative way to record the growth of your little one throughout the first year of their newborn life or beyond.
I’ve created a printable free set of monthly baby stickers perfect for both baby boys & girls. I’ve also collected a few other places where you can find fun and creative designs. I hope you enjoy the resources.
The set of stickers that I’ve created has a different color for every month so that your photos will be unique and a little different each month. You can also match your onesie color to the sticker. All of the sticker shades are bright and fun and will be great on both baby boys and girls. Monthly Baby Onesie Stickers can be worn on any baby outfit and you are not limited to onesies. They make cute baby shower gifts also!
Download this cute set of months 1-12 baby stickers for your little one’s onesie. Print onto label paper and stick on any outfit once per month on the anniversary of their birth date, then take a picture to record their growth! It’s easy to see the difference because the size of the sticker will start to shrink in comparison to your child as they get bigger and bigger. Create a theme of images by choose the same scene and location to produce a set of 12 photos that are perfect for your newborn’s first year scrapbook or frame in a 12 month picture frame.
Zip file contains 300 dpi print ready files.
Labels are made to be 4 inches in diameter.
Awesome idea and so adorable!
I LOVE these! I’m trying to print them out and they are only printing in black and white though. Is there something I am doing wrong?! Ahh! Help!
It must just be your printer setting? Check that you don’t have “grayscale” selected or that you are not out of color ink.