A free photo Christmas card template that you can insert your family’s 4×6 photograph and print your own holiday greeting cards. I’ve created a few versions that you can customize in any picture editing program and then print it out at home on photo paper. Or you could take them to any store to get them printed as well.
Here is an example of what the card will look like with a custom photograph added:
The design of the Christmas greeting cards are made to fit onto 4×6 inch paper and the dimensions of your portrait photograph should be this also. Just insert your custom image on the right side and save to make your printable file. You can type your own personalized message in the program you are using or just use it with the “Merry Christmas” message that I have on the second card template. I used some of my retro star clipart that I’ve previously created to decorate this red and white style card and give it that cute old time feeling.
Here are the free templates to choose from, click to open at full size and save the file:
Blank without any text.
With Merry Christmas message:
These are 300 dpi – PNG files – 1800 x 1200 pixels